If Gaming is Wrong, Then I Don't Want to be Right
This is not to say playing video games should consume your entire life or take away precious time with your spouse, children, friends or your job. However, contrary to popular belief, playing video games is not always a bad thing. In fact, in many ways, and according to multiple scientific studies, gaming can actually be a very positive thing!
Let’s start by taking a closer look at some of these recent studies - and with any luck, by the end of this article, you’ll be sufficiently convinced (if you weren’t already) that a little gaming will make a big difference.
For example, in 2015, The Journal of Neuroscience determined that playing games in 3D Virtual Environments “may provide meaningful stimulation to the human hippocampus” which is responsible for episodic memory! In yet another study from 2012 looking at the effects of gaming on overall health, “video games improved 69% of psychological therapy outcomes, 59% of physical therapy outcomes, [and] 50% of physical activity outcomes”.
Here at Leisure Nut, we are major proponents of responsible gaming. As many of you already know, playing video games, among other benefits, can provide relief from the stressors of daily life, including your job. So next time you simply need a day to yourself, grab the Xbox controller, a slice of pizza, your favorite Leisure Nut tshirt, and play away!